Small Church/Big Heart
Through worship, study, and mission, we strive to be a welcoming church home for all people to meet, know and serve Jesus Christ and the surrounding community.

What we believe… We are a local community of the family of God. We seek to bring people together to know and serve Jesus Christ and to create opportunities for personal and spiritual growth in God’s love. With all United Methodist Christians, we seek to “make disciples for Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world”.
Family… We celebrate Holy Communion the first Sunday of the month. Our Communion Table is open to every and anyone, young and old, members, visitors. Our worship style is casual and family-friendly. There is no need to get “dressed up” for services, come as you are. YOU are loved and YOU are enough

Worship and prayer… This church has been serving the community since 1806 and worship has always been central to our common life. We are a church committed to providing multiple opportunities for prayer and offering prayers up to and for anyone of any faith who asks us to pray for and with them.