Family Worship
SERMON SERIES: “Not for Nothing” : There is so much going on in our world that is difficult to make sense of. Overwhelm, despair, and apathy are real temptations. But it’s not for nothing that Jesus died and rose again. Over the next four weeks, we will look to the vows taken at baptism to reclaim the power of the gospel imperative on our lives.

SOUP & SANDWICH LUNCHEON: Come out Wednesday, February 26th @ 1pm to share a meal of soup and sandwiches and fellowship in the Education Building. Be sure to bring your friends and family as this is open to the community.
ASH WEDNESDAY IMPOSITION OF ASHES: Come out to the Blue Ox Ash Wednesday (March 5th) between 12-1pm to receive the imposition of ashes by Pastor Emily.
ASH WEDNESDAY ONLINE SERVICE: Joint online service with Pennington UMC & Titusville UMC at 7pm via Zoom.